About RecHunt

Finding the perfect match between a recruitment need of a hiring company and a recruitment partner with the right niche specialization has never been easier

RecHunt was founded to ensure the best possible quality recruitment! Everyone knows the cost of failed hires, which can be minimized by utilizing the best expertise in recruitment, but how do you compare and find the best recruiter – RecHunt. Having one recruiter to take care of all your recruitment needs ranging from software developers to CFOs is in the past, now with a talent driven market the need for specialized recruitment expertise is more valuable than ever. RecHunt makes it easy to find just that – giving companies access to recruitment partners with the specific expertise they need and giving specialized recruiting consultants access to clients that need their expertise.

RecHunt has been built by recruitment professionals, working both in agencies and inhouse for companies, hiring managers and HR professionals to ensure all parties are catered for.

Hiring Company

Finding the perfect recruitment partner to help you with your recruitment need is a challenging task. Where to find recruitment partners? How to compare? Why is there such a humongous price range? What is the right price?

  • With RecHunt you receive proposals directly from the consultant who will take care of the recruitment. No more salespeople in the middle, or large agencies assigning the recruitment to the only available consultant, making comparison between different proposals/consultants more concrete and easier.
  • Word-of-mouth has always been an important channel in choosing a recruitment partner based on references from your network. Now you have even a wider network, with reviews from clients the recruiter has recently worked with.
  • Expanding your business to a new location or a business area usually means you need new talent, RecHunt gives you access to the best recruitment partners specialized in the new location and/or the business area.
  • When your business is growing fast, your focus and times goes to growing the business. Recruitment service provicers usually notice the fast growth and want to help, but with all those contacts coming in, it is impossible to have meetings with everyone. Posting all your jobs to RecHunt and directing proposals there, ensures you only use your time for relevant discussion and when you have a hiring need.
  • All job posts are anonymous until the recruitment consultant/proposal is shortlisted, which ensures that the proposals and pricing are based on the job profile, not your company revenue or a recent funding round.

Recruitment Agency / Freelancer / Individual Recruiter

Sales and customer relationship building takes a lot of time, money and effort. As a recruitment expert, you want to focus your time on recruiting and providing the best possible talent to your clients.

  • Cold calling, or even inbound sales, takes a lot of time and effort to get it to the proposal stage. With RecHunt, you select the jobs that match your expertise and directly get access to making a proposal.
  • With jobs posted on RecHunt, you get access to new clients and new locations and get to pitch why you would be the best for the job. Having reviews from other clients gets you the recognition you deserve and easier access to new clients.
  • No need to internally coordinate who has time to take a new case coming from the sales pipeline. With RecHunt each consultant has their own profile and makes their own proposals – complete control over your cases.

RecHunt was created to support both the recruitment service providers and hiring companies to find each other and form the perfect match.

Making recruitment click!


RecHunt is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. If you need help with using the platform or have any other questions on how things work, you can reach us at support@rechunt.com.

For any other enquiries please send an email to contact@rechunt.com.